19 April 2017
Adam Dangoor, Adam.Dangoor

Over 250 members attended the 13th annual conference, this year hosted in Bristol. The conference goes from strength to strength and we thank all those who submitted posters, or attended this valuable meeting. There were a wide variety of sessions by invited speakers covering subjects including the management of neurofibromatosis, the latest data concerning neoadjuvant […]

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27 March 2017
Luan Suckling, luan.suckling

Oral Presentation Winner: Leo Feinberg Surgical Management within a Tertiary Referral Service Leads to Improved Disease Specific Survival of Patients with Radiation-associated Angiosarcoma of the Breast 1st Poster Prize: Mariona Chicón Bosch Cancer stem-like cells isolated from Ewing’s sarcoma samples provide unique insight into tumour heterogeneity   2nd Poster Prize (two 2nd prize poster winners): […]

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