BSG Corporate Partnerships

The BSG reaches out to colleagues in Ireland, Europe, the USA & Australia through its relationships with individuals & institutions. This is done through collaborative research projects and international conferences.

The BSG believe it is essential to build on current partnerships and develop new links between medical supply & service companies. This is achieved through special partnership packages which range from conference exhibition and sponsorship through to corporate partner package which provide benefits for organisations all year round.

Corporate Partner – Platinum

Benefits include:

  • Company profile (100 words) and logo on the ‘Corporate Partner’ page of the BSG website with
    hyperlink to your company website
  • Logo and hyperlink included on the home page of the BSG website
  • Logo and hyperlink included on the National Sarcoma Forum page of the BSG website
    10% discount on sponsorship packages at BSG events
  • Priority notification of BSG events, including the national conference and study days.
  • A banner ad included in the BSG newsletter (approx 6 a year)
  • Logo and hyperlink in the footer of all BSG newsletters
  • Social Media Exposure – Twitter Announcement upon joining and 1 further post per quarter
    (content required from your company and to be approved by the BSG board)
  • Platinum Corporate Partner Banner to use on email signature and social media channels

Current Platinum Partners:

Corporate Partner – Gold

Benefits include:

  • Company profile (50 words) and logo on the ‘Corporate Partner’ page of the BSG website with
    hyperlink to your company website
  • Priority notification of BSG events, including the national conference and study days.
  • 5% discount on sponsorship packages at BSG events
  • Logo and hyperlink in the footer of all BSG newsletters
  • Social Media Exposure – Twitter Announcement upon joining and 1 further post per quarter
    (content required from your company and to be approved by the BSG board)
  • Gold Corporate Partner Banner to use on email signature and social media channels

BSG Corporate Partnership Brochure 2019

For more information on this or general questions about partnering with the BSG contact us at:

Jenny Lowery, British Sarcoma Group
Tel: 0191 241 4523